
Nice People Make Me Smile

I just came home from the grocery store because I needed to buy some bread. So I walked in, picked up a bag of 6 rolls and then looked for a cashier. But there were only two cashiers working. As I looked at aisle one I saw a cart that was packed with food. You’d have thought she was preparing for Thanksgiving dinner.

I turned around and got in line at aisle ten. This was the 15-items-or-less line. But it had quite a number of people. Just as I got in line, I heard some older (and by older, I mean older than me) lady call out to me. Turning around I saw that she was about to push her cart into a lane that was just opening. But, noticing I only had one item, she called me over to go ahead of her.

And I drove home thinking, “I like nice people.”