
Registration & Orientation

On Thursday and Friday (August 3-4) Loma Linda University had an orientation for the incoming freshman class. By 8:00 AM on Thursday morning, 175 eager, anxious, excited, and nervous students had found their way into the Wong Kerlee International Conference Center located on the basement level of Coleman Pavilion (home to the Loma Linda University School of Medicine).

Over the next two days we sat through hours of presentations which ranged in topics from “How to succeed in medical school” to expected behavior and dress of students. On the first day we were deluged with “welcomes” from deans, administrators, faculty, and other students. We were also captive audiences to the marketing from various on-campus groups that wanted us to sign-up with them.

Afternoons were left for us to do as we pleased. However, those students who had not yet finished all the registration requirements were advised to go and complete them. This involved asking the records office to sign one up for classes, obtaining financial clearance, requesting a parking permit from security, and taking pictures for a school ID as well as a medical center ID.


My trip, White Coat Ceremony, and Financial Aid

Melbourne, Australia
Originally uploaded by semperjeffrei.

These past few days I have been in Melbourne, Australia. My sister and I are here with my Uncle, Aunt, and cousin. We are on a trip that begins here in Australia and will take us to Indonesia before concluding in Thailand. This is a photo from downtown (or as the Aussies call it: the Central Business District).

As far as medical school goes, not too much is going on. The beginning is just around the corner though. I just completed my background check last week and I still need to order my white coat for the ceremony that will be held on August 4.

The White Coat Ceremony is a program in which someone will put on a white coat in a symbolic gesture of one’s entrance into the medical community. The feeling I get from reading some messages from current med students is that it is a useless ceremony that signifies nothing and only really means anything to parents, spouses, and significant others. So much for my excitement…

Another thing that I have to do is sort out my financial aid. I just got an email from Loma Linda University that said that I had an incomplete financial aid file. Last week I sent in what I thought was the last remaining document, the Master Promissory Note (which I am able to borrow against throughout the four years of medical school). Well this week, Loma Linda’s website still says that I need to turn it in. This whole process is quite frustrating. Thus far, I would say that Loma Linda needs to update its web services website. Not user-friendly enough.