
Good job, Senators

After all the waiting and political posturing, today the U.S. senated voted no on a straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare).

In the days leading up to this you heard many, including POTUS, urged the senators who had campaigned on repeal of the ACA to step up and deliver on their promise.

Today, the U.S. Senate voted not to repeal.

For those who had campaigned on the promise of repeal but decided to vote No because it hurt your constituents, I respect you.

Campaigning for something and then trying to follow through blindly despite learning how it hurts those you represent is — well to me, it isn’t doing your job at all.

The ACA isn’t perfect.

But a full repeal that would result in coverage loss for millions of Americans with no answer in sight is downright wreckless.